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The Data about Suicide and American Exceptionalism
Suicide rates, demographics, risk factors, the effects of “American exceptionalism,” and the influence of fear of death and killing.
Commonalities of the Suicidal Mind
The suicidal mindset, behavioral signs, commonalities despite diverse individuals, signs of both over arousal and shut down, and the intent to die.
Understanding the Suicidal Mind
The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and understanding the suicidal mind, desire and capacity, myths about suicide, understanding risk, clinical tools, treatment focus, and relevant diagnoses.
Children and Suicide
The facts about children and suicide, do children understand the meaning of death?
Means Safety: Ligatures
Means safety and identifying specific objects and places relating to ligatures
Means Safety: Impact Methods
Means safety and identifying specific impact methods, such as jumping from a height
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Practical advice on addressing insomnia, a danger sign of imminent risk